Sissy Dicklette or Manly Dick?

Some guys due to their size are left wondering if they have a sissy dicklette or a manly dick. It’s an unfortunate situation because the last thing we want is a guy with a sissy penis thinking he’s a real man!

So I figured the best way to help out was to provide you all with an example of what a sissy dicklette really looks like, so you’ll be able to compare it to your own and see if you’re stuck in the same club.

Example of a Sissy Dicklette

Sissy Dicklette

The tiny thumb looking thing in the photo example above is exactly what a sissy’s dick looks like. It’s a small, thin and of course, short little penis and really should be shaved bare. Pubic hair pointed out in this instance because only real men deserve pubic hair.

Now that you have the example all you need to do is unzip, pull it out and check out your junk to see how you measure up! Are you packing one too?

Are you working with a skinny and short penis? If so then you’re probably packing a sissy dicklette. Let us know how you turned out in the comments below.

Those of you stuck with an inferior sissy penis need to think about what you do from here because sexually satisfying a woman isn’t an option. Perhaps panties are in your future; have you ever thought about sissification? It’s an option, ya know.


4 thoughts on “Sissy Dicklette or Manly Dick?

  1. I always new my dick was small but it wasn’t until my wife stop telling me how good it felt, that I came to know I am a sissy dicklette. Now she is the Hot Wife fucking other guys and she admits that everyone’s dick is bigger than mine and she didn’t even know when I had it in. I’m a cuck taking care of a Hot Wife and a full time Bull.

  2. Have you considered going more girl? Maybe even a gender change? If you have a small one then thats the way to go, you will find it is better to satisy men than to try and compete with them.

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