Clitty Cock in Your Pants?

Clitty Cocks

Are you one of the poor guys with a clitty cock in your pants? Have you realized the only way for you to ever get off is by enjoying the humiliation and laughter your clitty brings women?

Well it’s about time because that’s all it’s good for!

At this stage in life you should know that tiny penis of yours isn’t going to bring any superior woman or mistress any sexual pleasure. So from now on the only way you can please a woman at all is by getting teased and laughed at like a little dick loser. You should know that by now!

Just think about the perks though…

Now that having your clitty cock teased actually turns you on, you’ll be able to at least talk to us mistresses and goddesses without spending the rest of the night crying (can’t guarantee that by the time we’re done with you), and will now have a feeling of purpose in your life for that little clitty cocklette.

Just take the next step and find the right mistress to humiliate your clit so you can begin making your clitty useful for once. Humiliation will become sex for you, you’ll see.


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